Geführte Motorradtouren (3)

Bike TravelIn Europe, exactly where the longtime cycling tradition stretches from France to the Netherlands , Germany just opened the 1st three-mile stretch of its 100-kilometer superhighway —for bikes. The country that brought us the Autobahn now reportedly wants to take away up to 50,000 cars from the road every day by encouraging cycling as a commuting option.

When Cycling you need to always make sure you wear a cycling helmet to stop significant injury. The clothing most suitable for cycling will rely on where and why you are cycling. Put on light clothing if you are in a hot nation. Everything I need is carried on the bike inside two bags. A front T-Bag with a capacity of 30 Litres and a hiking backpack of 40 Litres capacity sitting more than the rear rack of the bike.

This is a great bike bag. It is great value for money, is …

Geführte Motorradtouren (3) Read More

Geführte Motorradtouren (4)

Bike TravelGiven that the late 1970s, mountain bikes have been a force in the cycling sector. They have an enduring reputation, and for good explanation: they are fun to ride, go nearly everywhere, and they’re really tough. Finding one particular for under $500 is a huge challenge, largely simply because there is a lot of smoke and mirrors in the industry and the typical individual has no concept what’s worth investing in.

Doc, do you do any sort of cycling for fitness blogs? Like the books ‘Fighting Fit’ or ‘Run your Butt off’? I and a lot of women my age (mid 40s), have dodgy knees so have been told by GP to cycle or swim for exercise. If there was a kind of 4 or 6 week timetable guideline, which is not as well all-out boot camp mental, I and a lot of females I’m positive, would be interested. Particularly …

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